Optimizing Curing the Avoid Bubbles: Pro Tip #28
PVA Pro Tip #28: Preventing Bubbles in Coated Assemblies
Adjusting Your Curing Profile for Better Results
If you’re still experiencing bubbles in your final coated assembly, the curing process may be a contributing factor. Understanding the drying characteristics of the coating and implementing the appropriate curing profile is key to preventing bubbles in the dried film. Oftentimes, processing solvent-based coatings with an overly aggressive cure profile can cause the outer layer to skin over developing a barrier that prevents additional solvent from escaping and this results in air entrapment.
Take a look at the existing oven curing profile and consider using a more gradual profile setting that will warm the substrate at a slower pace. Alternatively, consider implementing a dwell time before introducing heat. Placing the substrate within an enclosed and vented booth or conveyor section lets any excess solvent to naturally evaporate and will minimize the risk of bubble formation once placed into the curing oven.
For more information on how to keep bubbles out of your conformal coating process, contact PVA today and let us help make you a pro.