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Underfilling Chips: Pro Tip #26

Pro Tips

PVA Pro Tip #26: Enhancing Chip Durability

Underfilling for Superior Chip and Circuit Board Bonding

Underfilling chips provides a strong mechanical bond between the chip and the circuit board while protecting solder joints from mechanical stress that can occur during thermal cycling. The underfill chemistry can also act as a heat sink and improve heat transfer.

Underfill is applied by dispensing along one or more edge of an electrical component and allowing capillary action to cause the fluid to flow underneath. Heating the material and the circuit board can accelerate the capillary action.

PVA’s non-contact JDX jet is ideal for underfill applications. The JDX comes with a standard heated nozzle, is compatible with a wide variety of single component or premixed and frozen materials and can dispense into tight areas with a clearance of 300 microns. Process controls such as a fiducial camera, laser height sensor and shot scale can help improve the reliability of your process.

For more information on implementing an underfill process, contact PVA today and let us help make you a pro.